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How to Throw The Best Party After the Holidays

The best thing about the holiday season is the holiday cheer that comes along with it. People are just in a great overall mood, and there’s child-like hope permeating the atmosphere. Why can’t it be like that all year long? Hey, just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean the party is, and there’s never a bad time to have a good time.

A post-holiday party may be just the thing to help the people at your job or in your social circle to get over the dead-of-winter blues. Throw a soiree with all the food, drinks, music, and cheer of the holiday season after the holidays and keep those good vibes going. There’s always something to celebrate. Continue reading to learn how to chase away the winter blues with some serious fun.

Benefits of Post Holiday Parties

Post-holiday parties aren’t just an excuse to be carefree for an extra week or two after the holiday season. An unfortunate reality is that a lot of people suffer from depression during and after the holidays.

A party or formal dinner could be what you need to draw yourself or a loved one out of that funk and back into a good mood. And if you don’t deal with holiday depression or the winter blues and you love the whole season, then that’s all the more reason to keep the festive mood going. Few things boost company morale and tighten social bonds like having fun together.

Another benefit of throwing a party after the holidays is that everything is cheaper. You can deck your halls in January for a fraction of what it would’ve cost you to do the same in December. A lot of places have large sales after the holiday season to get rid of overstock. That makes right after the holidays the perfect time to get party supplies and pick up gifts for people you may have missed during the holiday season.

Throw a Hot Tub Party

One unique idea for January is a hot tub party. If you have a hot tub and have never taken a winter dip, then you’re missing out! The hot water gets you nice and toasty even when it’s cold out. You will need to take extra precautions like making sure that you have big drying towels and bathrobes handy and a quick route from the tub to the house, but it’s safe.

Hot tubs are a natural setting for intimate conversations to take place. Once you have a drink or two in your system, the conversation and good times will roll. You may want to impose a limit on alcoholic beverages just because you will be in the water and out in the cold. Follow these hot tub party tips and you can have a great time taking a nice warm dip in the cold.

Throw a De-Trimming Party

For some reason, taking down Christmas decorations just doesn’t have the same ring to it as putting them up, right? In fact, some people choose to let some of their decorations stay up all year long. And the crazy thing is, when you think about it, it takes more effort to put decorations up than take them down. Talk about things that make you say “Hmmm.”

One way you can put a little life in your de-trimming is to make an event of it! Throw a de-trimming party. Make a run to the liquor store and grab some adult beverages, crank the tunes, and have as much fun taking your decorations down as you did putting them up.

Keep your holiday cheer going even if the season is officially over. Getting together with your family and friends for post-holiday festivities will keep your heart warm during the cold winter months.

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